VIP Feline Senior Deluxe Package – comprehensive and advanced senior health
Love is what you DO. DO EVERYTHING.
Preventative care is the cornerstone to keeping your Very Important Pet happy and healthy well into his senior years. Regular Physical Exams, customized vaccinations and comprehensive parasite screening, prevention, control and treatment when needed are will help your Very Important Senior continue to thrive. VIP Senior Deluxe Package goes above and beyond the standard of care and offers a comprehensive approach to advanced and early detection of many disease affecting senior cats.
As a pet ages, the immune system undergoes many changes. Senior cats are not kittens and they have different vaccine needs. Some senior cats may benefit from the “less is more” approach.” VIP Animal Hospital Expert Doctors will help you determine what’s important to your VIP Senior’s health. We customize all senior vaccine protocols to suit each individual patient’s needs.
Parasites do not discriminate and affect cats of all ages. Older cats may even be more vulnerable. Fleas, ticks and intestinal parasites are always around and prevention is key at any age. Our doctors will customize a parasite prevention plan that’s right for your Senior Cat.
Heartworm is now endemic to Orange County and every cat needs to be screened for it, regardless of age. Heartworm testing is a standard component of the VIP Feline Senior Deluxe Package.
A much less known parasite, Mycoplasma haemofelis, attacks the red cells in the blood and is also endemic to California. It is routinely overlooked and untreated by other veterinarians. If allowed to persist, Mycoplasma haemofelis infection can ravage a senior cat’s immune system and major organs. Any cat that has ever been exposed to fleas must be screened. It is our experience that 80-90% of those cats test positive for Mycoplasma. Luckily, the infection can often be treated and completely cured if caught early enough. Stringent flea prevention is key to preventing Mycoplasma haemofelis recurrence.
Another key component of the VIP Feline Senior Deluxe package is a comprehensive blood and urine panel to evaluate all major organ function, thyroid function, pancreas health, gastrointestinal health and to detect any underlying subclinical infections. We offer advanced technology that allows early detection of kidney disease, a major problem in older cats, TWO YEARS before it shows up on regular blood panels.
We use a customized blood test geared to detect specific gastrointestinal markers that can indicate the presence of Intestinal Lymphoma, the so-called “great pretender” in cats.
The Cardio BNP test evaluates heart health and heart function and is crucial to preventing catastrophic consequences of heart disease in older cats.
Older pets, just like older humans, can suffer from hypertension and its debilitating side effects. Blood Pressure screening is often neglected and can be a major factor in compromising kidney health and decreasing the overall quality of life. Strokes, heart disease and organ failure are all sequelae of untreated hypertension. Hypertension in cats can cause blindness, paralysis, vocalization due to pain and sudden death.
Whole body radiographs read and interpreted by a Board Certified Radiologist allow our doctors to evaluate major organ size, shape and detect any abnormalities early, before they present any symptoms. Early detection can make a life and death difference in outcome. There are many health conditions that do not show up on blood tests until it’s too late, like intestinal tumors, kidney stones, bladder stones or lung tumors. Most cancers do not cause symptoms until they are far too advanced to treat. They are often “incidental findings” on screening radiographs or radiographs taken for other reasons. Routine screening radiographs can later be used as baseline images to compare against any future changes should your pet develop a health problem down the road.
Senior cats have special needs and deserve extra love.
Love is what you DO – DO EVERYTHING to keep your Senior VIP healthy and happy. Give extra love with the VIP Senior Deluxe Package.
VIP Senior Feline Wellness Package – $550 ($1,003 value)
- Exam x 3
- 3 View X-Rays
- Abdomen or Chest
- Radiology Consult (By Board Certified Radiologist)
- Senior Screen Bloodwork
- Chem 25
- T4
- Urinalysis